Apple Care+ - Finish Your Payment Setupetc 2019. 2. 13. 12:00반응형
애플 케어 플러스 구독형을 구매하고 2일뒤, Finish Your Payment Setup 메일이 날라왔다.
Dear Customer,You purchased an AppleCare+ plan for a new device. To keep this coverage up to date, finish your payment setup by linking this purchase to your Apple ID. Regards,
The AppleCare Team여기서 Finish Setup Now를 누르고 AgreeMent Number와 S/N을 확인 후 넘어가면 되는데
국내에서는 지원이 되지않아 서비스 거부 지역이라고 넘어가지지 않는다.
일부에서는 미국계정을 통해 넘어갈 수 있다하는데, 미국계정 생성 후
국내카드로 등록하면 지역이 다시 국내로 바뀌게 되어서 실패한다.
그러던 중 애플 지원쪽에 연락을 해서 관련 내용을 들었는데, 국내에서는 서비스가 확정되지도 않고
불분명한 상태라 환불을 도와드리거나 아마 익월부터는 자동 이체가 되지 않으면서 구독형 애플 케어 플러스가 취소될 것이라고 얘기하셨다.
그러던 중, 애플 미국 공홈 지원에 메일을 넣어 봤으나
Thanks for the reply.
I understand that when you’re receiving an error message "Your credit card was declined” when trying to update your payment information. Please let me take care of this issue and provide relevant information towards this matter. I’m happy to help.
If your credit card is not accepted, there are a few possible reasons for this:
• Your credit card company's servers are busy. Try making your purchase later.
• There is an issue with your card. Contact your credit card company to get help.
You can also confirm or update your iTunes Store account billing information at the Apple ID site. Follow these steps if you'd like to verify your billing information:
1. Go to https://appleid.apple.com
2. Sign in with your iTunes Store account and password (your iTunes Store account is an Apple ID).
3. Scroll down to "Payment & Shipping" and click "Edit Payment Information".
4. Edit your payment method and billing address to match your credit card company's records.
5. Click Save.
The billing name and address on your iTunes Store account must exactly match your credit card company's records. A discrepancy in punctuation, abbreviation, or capitalization could prevent your card from being authorized. For more information, see this article:
Follow the steps in this article to edit your billing address and credit card information:
When you add a debit or credit card to your account, the iTunes Store places an authorization hold on your card to verify your account information. You might see this authorization request on your online statement. This is not an actual charge; it is simply a test to confirm that your account is active and has funds available to make purchases.
After you've updated your information, try making your iTunes Store purchase again. You will be asked to re-verify your payment information in the iTunes Store.
If you're still not able to make the purchase, one option is to buy an iTunes Gift card if they are available in your area. Gift cards are available at many retailers, including Apple Retail Stores.
If you have more questions about this issue, please reply to this email to let me know. I’m happy to help.
Jared Nimrod
iTunes Store Customer Support
http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww답변은 친절히 왔지만 이 방법으로도 미국계정 생성 뒤 지역 변경하고 카드 등록할 때 카드가 Korea가 아니면 등록이 되질 않는다.
다른 카드로도 해보았으나 등록이 되질 않고 오직 지역을 한국으로만 해야 카드 등록이 성공된다.
자동으로 애플케어플러스 구독형이 취소되기 전까지만 믿고 써야겠다.
-- 2019.08.13 기준 다달이 구독형으로 결제되며 케어 적용 중이다. --
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